How a Near-Death Experience Turned Nick Gueret Into an ICU Nurse

At 20-years-old, Nick Gueret was in a car crash that left him fighting for his life. It was 3a.m., he was coming home from work, and Nick had fallen asleep at the wheel. His car ran off the road, hit a light pole, and was completely crushed. Nick was told he was lucky to be alive.

“I had to find some meaning and purpose for what happened to me. At that point, I thought I had used 20 years of my life and I hadn’t accomplished anything yet, and that would have been the end. No one would have known me for anything.”

It was the nurses around Nick that left a big impact on him, taking a moment to sit with him and ask about his life. It was then, without a doubt, that he knew he was going to be a nurse.

Nick has now been in nursing for 12 years, the last eight of which was spent working as an ICU nurse.

“What I find rewarding from ICU is that not only do I get to save them physically, but maybe emotionally and spiritually.… They’re questioning while they are here, what are they’re doing with their life, so even if one person I made a difference for, that’s important to me.”

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